Monday, April 27, 2009

Write. Write Write.

I was awakened this morning at  2:15 with those words silently whispering to me....Once again hearing that "still small voice" urging me to get up, put the coffee on and park myself in Bloggers-Ville and just…. 

W R I T E !

What a wonderful place it is to express all that easily and effortlessly runs through me- FEELS COMFY!  It will be through words, music and pictures in my mind coming alive, taking form, on a forum such as this,,,!  When I started doing my healing work, I never would have dreamed that I would see it’s works coming through channels such as Twitter, Blogspot, Gmail and Facebook!  One never knows where the next current is taking us, do we? But here I am and I LOVE IT. Much thanks to my friend Karen, who helped me with this site!

Soooo.. today holds all the wonderful possibilities that I allow myself to have !

I Create my Day!

I believe each day we must FOCUS our Intent on CREATING OUR DAY- As We Desire It to Be…Our day- as the canvas and our ideas of what we DESIRE as the Brush! …Coloring our world as we see and feel it !  Whether that flows through us in the form of a written statement that affirms our desires or affirming it through words, music and pictures!  I believe it matters not "the way" we do it, but more that we are pulling up a FEELING inside of ourselves that says "YES I  like this! " The way I am feeling right now FEELS BETTER than how I was feeling earlier! This is OUR INTERNAL GPS SYSTEM that tells us we are creating DELIBERATELY and in alignment with what is RIGHT and GOOD for us!

My Creation Walk

A lot of my walk through life has come from a “state” or “feeling” that life was happening to me… and that I had little say in the matter.  IF I WAS GOOD - GOOD things would HAPPEN TO ME…..! Then I began to notice that this was not really true..Injustices were coming my way..etc. etc.  I eventually threw that " BELIEF "out the window…I felt much like the Four Non-Blondes who sing – What’s going on?  So it was at this point I began to seek out material on how our thoughts, beliefs and stories, that we tell ourselves, are creating our world,  our reality.  How everything is energy and our perceptions of our world make it what it is for us...,throw in some quantum mechanics and mix it up with my Christian upbringing and the things that Jesus told us about who we really are.  Bold statements such as   "Ye are Gods"- and "You can do what I do and more"..etc. This is the path, in short, of how I brought myself to the place that I am…

Getting in the Flow

You see everything we need has already been created for us I believe! We just need to get into alignment with it...The synchronicities, and magic and miracles, come to us once we engage this FLOW into our life...  these are the blessings that we have been promised!   It is that place where all blessings flow...This FLOW  is available to us right now if we are willing to get into it...this flow comes into our lives when we stop trying so hard at everything we do. Stop pushing and WANTING...and take that energy and begin transforming it into an energy of gratefulness and acceptance for what is happening right in the very moment we are experiencing. Stopping resistnce to what is…for what we resist will persist!  This new way of living- as I have experienced- feels incredibly irresponsible for my well-trained "get-er-done"  mentality. My friend inside of my brain, whom I call Lefty  (left brain analitical thinky part that wants to micro-manage me to a fault! ) has terrible issues with this new way of living,!

How do we do this? By distancing ourselves from worry and resistance and embracing " WHAT IS"....Embracing this place, this moment.  One of the best videos I have seen on getting into this flow is  

Abraham Hicks-The Stream.  

I have learned so much from Abraham over the last 20 years. To me, the teachings encompass the very elements that help us stop our incessant need to control, resist, judge etc. that keep us in a state of mis-creating the life we want. Creating by default.. I am so all about finding and then applying simple and powerful HABITS that take us into a life of PEACE and WELLNESS and WHOLENESS...and Deliberate creating of our life! 

So..we have the power to create our reality, as we so choose,  and when we do it in a way that brings FEELING AND PASSION to it by engaging a heart-felt emotion, it is then we can say to that mountain "MOVE"  and it will move,,,,! Seriously...! It is tapping into the God with-in us that creates the power to create magic and miracles!

This is my first blog and I am going to get to the business of Creating my Day and stop talking about it! What are you going to create? Let me know your thoughts!

Email me at :

One thing I know I am going to create-

Putting this entry on my page- as it is. No critiquing. No trying to say it better. Spending hours getting it just right. I am going to have this one be raw and organic. Something I rarely feel comfortable doing!  So LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE TODAY and so will I!

                    Love and Light! Cindy ( Chatty Cathy)

  acceptance |akˈseptəns|


the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered 

the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group : you must wait for acceptance into the club.

agreement with or belief in an idea, opinion, or explanation : acceptance of the teaching of the church.

• willingness to tolerate a difficult or unpleasant situation : a mood of resigned acceptance.


resistance |riˈzistəns|


the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument : she put up no resistance to being led away.

• armed or violent opposition : government forces were unable to crush guerrilla-style resistance.

• (also resistance movement) [in sing. ] a secret organization resisting authority, esp. in an occupied country.

• the impeding, slowing, or stopping effect exerted by one material thing on another 

• Medicine & Biology lack of sensitivity to a drug, insecticide, etc., esp. as a result of continued exposure or genetic change.

    . the degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. Ohm's law resistance (measured in ohms) is equal to the voltage divided by the current.

• a resistor or other circuit component that opposes the passage of an electric current



1 comment:

  1. Cindy, This is wonderful! I can't wait to read more stuff. I am also going to have Julie take a look. She will love you! Have a fabulous day my friend.

    xxx Karen
