Honor your Spirit!
Honor your spirit today by recognizing how you are FEELING!
Stop throughout the day and ask you yourself-" How do I feel right now"...I placed the chart of emotions on the side of this page to help you identify what you are feeling...You may wonder why all the fuss over emotions and this is what I have to say...."NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FEELING GOOD"...FOR THIS REASON.. I believe that...LIKE ENERGY ATTRACTS LIKE ENERGY. Thoughts are like magnets drawing effects to us all the time. THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS..I also believe when our THOUGHTS are interfaced and interlaced with strong EMOTIONS... we create QUICKLY, but not always deliberately...this is where the mis-creating or creating by default can come in. So with that in mind...Close your eyes and say.."I DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD TODAY".
With this knowledge of how our CREATION PROCESS works -Identify what EMOTION you are feeling. I look at my EMOTIONS much like I look at all the vegetables in grocery store..there are the ones I like and CHOOSE to put in my cart and then there are the ones that I do not like and leave alone...leaving them for someone else ! Emotions are a choice also! Many of us grew up never knowing that HOW WE FEEL ABOUT SOMETHING IS A CHOICE! Why? Because we were never taught this! It is doubtful that our parents or teachers were even taught this!..The statement...”he makes me feel”, and “she makes me feel” is really not true in my BELEIF system...Nobody can make us feel any way unless we allow ourselves to feel that way....so back to the vegetables...Choosing the vegetable that I LIKE,,that FEELS good to me will put me in a place of vegetable alignment ! Same with FEELINGS and that ushers in MY BEST FEELING LIFE ! What better more simple way do we have of creating our life? Choose the better feeling/thought! One of the things that can interfere with our learning to create our good is putting too much attention into PLEASE-ing another...and working hard at getting APPROVAL or RECOGNITION from our parents, children, teachers, boss', lovers and peers. After-all there are REWARDS in doing this are there not? This was taught to us…"Just be good"- we were told. That act alone repeated over and over taught us that another person’s feelings toward us were so much more important than our own. Soon we realize that we become disconnected from our OWN feelings. It is at this point we learned to shut off our own GPS system (our internal guidance system that signals us through our feelings) and tune into another’s idea of what we need to do and be to and for them, thus making them more important than ourselves.... Once our own system has been shut down for too long it is then that we either become angry, sick or depressed. Since it is OUR INHERIT right to FEEL GOOD...it isn't long before it becomes paramount that we FEEL GOOD....Natural then that we may tend to seek out "FEEL GOOD" things in and through addictions and vices. Along with all of those choices comes, lack of money, ill health and poor feelings about ourselves and ...MORE BAD FEELINGS! In this writing today I ask you to look at this and ask yourself...”WHAT AM I REALLY, REALLY FEELING?" right now.. . Let the feelings rise up inside of you..May take a while to get them to surface but KNOW that FEELING is the language of the Spirit and what you are feeling, is what you are creating- Just look around you- your car, your house, your body, your work-every area of your life is telling you the story OF YOU and your THOUGHTS and your Feelings. It also is one of the best ways you can learn about someone else. Look into their world. It tells us more than we realize of who they are, what they think about and give attention to…! So LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE and LIVE IT THE WAY YOU CHOOSE.... It is YOUR INHERENT right TO FEEL GOOD and this writing is about choosing the FEELING that best serves YOU..get busy and pick a feeling over there, on the side of this page, that you want to feel right now – play with it, act as if you already feel that way and before you know it..... YOU WILL!
Peace In! Cindy
Cindy, thank you so much for reminding us once again of what we already know, but still need to be reminded of everyday. I always feel better after reading your blog.
ReplyDeletexx Karen
You are welcome Karen! I told s friend the other day that if only one person is lifted up by only one wrting that I put on this blog then my mission has been accomplished. I am so glad you were THE ONE person that has shown me my work is complete. Now I can just write without a mission. How good that FEELS! You Rock.